56th ECCE General Meeting
26-27 October 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Hotel Grand Villa Argentina

by Gorazd Humar, ECCE President
October 2012

55th ECCE General Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania hosted by the Lithuanian
Association of Civil Engineers was organized with great success.

⊕  During the 55th ECCE General Meeting by the unanimous decision of the 55th ECCE General Assembly, the Russian Society of Civil Engineering (ROIS) has been accepted as ECCE Full Member with National Delegate Mr. Mikhail Lachinov.

⊕  On 24th May 2012 a meeting of Presidents with Lithuanian Civil Engineers was organized in the Municipality of Vilnius. Time Event Venue THU, 24 May 2012
– Welcome and short informmation about Vilnius and its vision in the future – Representative from Vilnius Municipality
– What is ECCE and how it works? – President of ECCE (Slovenia)
– Professional Recognition and Mobility of Engineers – ECCE Vice President/ President Elect F. Branco (Portugal) and ECCE Immediate Past President  Prof. C. Ahrens.

Agenda of the Meeting of ECCE Leaders with Civil Engineers of Lithuania

⊕  WCCE: How it works and main professional initiatives – President of WCCE ( )
⊕  Up to-date position of ECEC in the discussion of Public Procurement Directive and the award of intellectual services and engineering services especially – ECEC
President (Austria)
⊕  “EU Policies and Financing Tools related to Engineering” – ECCE Immediate Past President 

This was an important Meeting hosted in the Municipality Hall of Vilnius. The opening
speech was made by Mr. speech was made by Mr. Romas Adomavicius Adomavicius, Deputy Mayor of Vilnius City
Municipal Government.

Our ECCE Delegate Prof. Vincentas Stragys was the coordinator of this important event which was attended by many Lithuanian Fellow Engineers.

2012 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Meeting
ECCE President was invited invited by the JSCE President, Mr. Takehiko Ono to participate participate at their 2012 JSCE Annual Meeting Meeting International Program  that was held at Nagoya University,Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya on 5th and 6th September  2012 that was continued on 7th September only for Japanese  members. 

The 2012 JSCE Annual Meeting was divided in different sections sections where in total about 3.000 JSCE members participated.
ECCE President participated at the work of the  International Program (in English anguage) where also all  international  members of JSCE participated. JSCE has many members  from other countries including including ICE (JSCE ICE Section and the JSCE TCCE section of the Turkish Council of Civil Engineers) which are also ECCEmembers.
ECCE  President participated also in the Roundtable Meeting on „Multilateral Cooperation/ / Collaboration in Developing Natural Disaster-Resilient  Infrastructures“ where very interesting presentation from different East Asian countries were focused focused on Earthquake and Tsunami Management.
During his visit the President met many people and had separate meetings with different persons. He spoke with the JSCE President Mr. Takeshiko Ono and they exchanged some views of the work of both organizations. The JSCE president views of the work of both organizations. The JSCE president has a mandate mandate of one year so he spoke also with Mr. Kotaro Hashimoto, President Elect (becoming new JSCE President President in November 2012).
Separately he spoke also with the President  of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers Mr. Hyun-Moo Koh who was interested interested in collaboration with ECCE.  Moreover, the President of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Engineers expressed a wish to join ECCE.

World Engineering Forum (WEF) 2012 “Sustainable Construction for People”

The World Engineering Engineering Forum 2012 took place at the Grand Hotel
Union in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 17th – 21st of September 2012. The event was organized  by the World Federation Federation of Engineering  Organiations (WFEO) and the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers (IZS). ECCE participated according according to the decision decision of ECCE ExBo in 2011 as co-organizer organizer without  any financial obligation.

It was accompanied by:  the annual meeting of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Executive Council; meetings of WFEO Committees; and a combined meeting of seven major engineering  organizations: the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO),  the European Council of Engineers Chambers (ECEC),  the European  Council of Civil  Engineers  (ECCE), the European  Federation of  Engineering  Consultancy Associations (EFCA), the European Construction Industry  Federation (FIEC),  the European Federation of  National Engineering  Associations (FEANI)and the European Society for Engineering  Education (SEFI).
A few hundred participants, engineers, politicians, researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the world presented and exchanged their opinions about
sustainable design and construction of buildings and infrastructure, a major challenge of the 21 5t century.

Special attention was paid to:
  – Cities and Urban Environment;
  – Sustainable Buildings;
  – Sustainable Infrastructure;
  – Disaster / Risk Management.
ECCE President participated in this important event together with the ECCE Immediate Past President.
Members of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations Executive Council and the participants of the World Engineers Forum 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, agreed to the LJUBLJANA DECLARATION ON SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS AND INFRASTRUCTURE.

In the WEF 2012 and in the WFEO Meetings several ECCE Members participated and had important contributions to the works:
ECCE Past President Jose ECCE Past President Jose Medem, ECCE President Gorazd , ECCE President Gorazd Humar, ECCE Immediate Past President and WFEO Special Advisor to the President Vassilis Economopoulos, Slovenian
Delegate Branko Zadnik, CNI Delegates Nicola Delegate Branko Zadnik, CNI Delegates Nicola Monda and Massimo Massimo Mariani Mariani, Croatian Delegates , Croatian Delegates Zvonimir Zvonimir Sever and Sever and Mirko Oreskovic Oreskovic, Polish Delegate , Polish Delegate Wlodzimierz Wlodzimierz Szymczak, ICE Szymczak, ICE Delegate Hayley Coleman, Serbian Delegates Delegate Hayley Coleman, Serbian Delegates Sumarac Sumarac and Tatjana Đorđević, Tatjana Đorđević, Bulgarian Delegates Dimitar Natchev and Maria Stefanova, ZDI representative Carsten , ZDI representative Carsten Ahrens, the President of Cyprus Chamber of Engineers Mr. Stelios Achniotis, Montenegro Chamber of Engineers,  President and General Secretary Dusko Popovic et al.

5th Presidents’ of the European Engineering Organizations Meeting
Wednesday, 19th September 2012, Grand Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The 5th Presidents’ of the European Engineering Organizations Meeting was organized by WFEO
The Agenda of the meeting is the following:
  – Welcome Address (WFEO President Adel Al WFEO President Adel Al Kharafi Kharafi
  – Cooperation between the international engineering organizations (Special advisor to the WFEO President, Mr. Vassilis Economopoulos)
  – Current news from our Organizations (All participants)
  – Professional Recognition and Mobility. The EU Revised/New Directive for the Professional Qualifications. The professional card. (FEANI General Secretary, Mr. Dirk General Secretary, Mr. Dirk Bochar)
     – The ECCE view ( ECCE President Mr. Gorazd Humar)
     – The ECEC view (ECEC General Secretary Mr. Efstathio Tsegkos)
  – Public procurement EU Legislation Public procurement EU Legislation – Engineering Quality and Public Procurement (ECEC President, Josef ECEC)
  – Engineering Education & Training to meet the high level requirements acting as a Professional Engineer (SEFI Vice President Mr. Xavier)
  – The construction sector today – Facing the crisis (V. Economopoulos on behalf of FIEC General Director, FIEC General Director, Mr Ulrich Paetzold Paetzold )
  – Discussion
  – Conclusions (Special Advisor to the WFEO President, Mr Vassilis Economopoulos  Raporteur)

6th Presidents’ Meeting – Date and Venue
During this meeting meeting ECCE President President presented presented the ECCE view on mobility mobility of engineers engineers in Europe and the world including including ECCE views of Professional Professional recognition recognition. Most of this report was prepared prepared by ECCE President President Elect Fernando Fernando Branco. He also presented presented some of his concerns concerns about the professional professional future of young civil engineers engineers in time of the crisis in construction construction sector.
This Presidents’ Meeting was invited by the This Presidents’ Meeting was invited by the WFEO President Eng Adel Al resident Eng Adel Al Kharafi Kharafi.
There was a broad participation of 40 Fellow Engineers, consisted of consisted of the
Presidents of the great European Engineering Organizations representing almost 3.5 million Engineers in Europe as the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE),  European Council of Engineers’ Chambers (ECEC), European Federation of Engineering Associations (FEANI) and by the Presidents’ and Representatives of great Continental, International and National Organizations, such as American
Association of Engineering Societies (AAES), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), FEBRAE+CONFEA (Brazil), CAST (China), Federation of African Engineers, Japan Federation of Engineers, World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE), Institution of Civil Engineers Engineers-ICE, UK, Commonwealth Engineers, Enginee ICE, UK, Commonwealth Engineers, Engineers Canada, rs Canada, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Chamber of Engineers of Malta, Cyprus Chamber of Engineers.
The WFEO participated with its governance The WFEO participated with its governance –Preside Presidents, ExBo nts, ExBo, VicePresidents and SC Chairmen, having the coordination of the Presidents’ Meeting Works.
The Host Organization, Slovenian Chamber of Engineers participated with its President with its President Mr Crtomir Crtomir Remec.

The Presentations by the European Organizations were focused on the following:
-Engineering Profession and Education
-Professional Recognition and Mobility
-Public Procurement
-Construction Sector to face the crisis
-Engineering Education & Training to meet the high level requirements of acting as a Professional Productive discussions were held on the above Main Topics and it was agreed, that within WFEO frame a cooperation will be established, on exchanging information, experiences and   views in order to enhance the effectiveness and the potential common activities of the Engineering Organizations to promote, at the optimum, the Engineering for Sustainable Development worldwide and the important role and critical of Engineers Building the Prosperity for the Future.


Световният инженерингов форум ще бъде независим международен
Организация / фондация / учреждение, ангажирани да популяризират най-добрите експертни знания, опит, практики и решения за устойчиво развитие в света, обслужващи обществения интерес и човешките нужди.

„Послание за насърчаване на инженерството в световен мащаб за устойчивото развитие“ е посланието на WEngF. Концепцията и инициативата за създаване на WEngF бяха предложени от президента на WFEO Elect Civil Engineer Mr. Маруан Абделхамид и беше одобрен с решение на
Управителния съвет на WFEO в срещата си в Любляна на 20 септември 2012 г.
WEngF ще работи за да се укрепи сътрудничеството между частния и обществения сектор чрез важната роля и дейности на инженерите за устойчиво развитие на градската среда и инфраструктурата.

Членството – заинтересованите страни на WEngF ще бъдат:
      ⊗ Договарящи и консултантски компании
      ⊗ Световната банка
      ⊗ Банки за развитие
      ⊗ Агенциите на ООН (ПРООН, ЮНЕСКО, UNIDO и т.н.)
      ⊗ Международни и национални инженерни организации
      ⊗ Индустриални партньори
      ⊗ Стратегически партньори
      ⊗ Сродни инженерни организации
      ⊗ Публични органи
      ⊗ Технически университети
      ⊗ Неправителствени организации. (НПО)
      ⊗ Други заинтересовани страни
WEngF ще включва всички заинтересовани страни, които допринасят за устойчивото развитие.

WEngF stakeholders will schedule and undertake a bro stakeholders will schedule and undertake a broad program of annual ogram of annual activities in many places of the World to succeed the scopes and the targets of the Organization in order to build the Prosperity for the Future, promoting the solutions and the special value of the Construction Sector to the Sustainable Development.
The Headquarters of WEngF will be located/hosted by a Country which has will be located/hosted by a Country which has a high rate development and perspective of Construction and Infrastructure works and consequently Qatar is proposed to be the Host Country of Country of WEngF.
Of course, Branch Offices of WEngF could be established in other interested could be established in other interested Countries.
The WEngF will operate at a high level status like the W will operate at a high level status like the World Economic Forum in Geneva and it surely will be a worldwide recognized promotion for the Leadership, the People and the International Policy of its Host Country.
ECCE President Gorazd Humar and ECCE Immediate Past President and WFEO President Special Advisor Vassilis Economopoulos discussed withthe WFEO President Eng Adel Al Kharafi Kharafi and  with the WFEO President Elect Mr. Elect Mr. Marwan Abdelhamid   about the involvement of ECCE in this about the involvement of ECCE in this great initiative during their meetings in Ljubljana and in Rome. 

CNI Round Table & FEANI Annual Business Meetings 2012
4-5 October 2012 5 October 2012
Hotel Ambasciatori Ambasciatori Palace, Rome, Italy Palace, Rome, Italy

The Consiglio Consiglio Nazionale Nazionale degli Ingegneri Ingegneri (CNI) organized an important (CNI) organized an important Round Table on “The new Proposal of Qualification Directive and the Role of Engineering in the Safeguard and Development of Europe”, on 4th October 2012, in Rome.
The Round Table was divided into two Sessions:
 Expectations and Perceptions of Engineers in Europe
 The new Proposal of Qualifications Directive

In the two Sessions the following Fellow Engineers were invited by CNI  as experts:
1st Session: Adel Al Session: Adel Al Kharafi (WFEO Presiden), Nicola ), Nicola Monda (CNI), Gorazd Humar (ECCE President), Joseph Robl (ECEC President), Lars Bytoft (FEANI President)

2nd Session:Dirk Bochar (FEANI General Secretary), Sergio (FEANI General Secretary), Sergio Polese (CLAIU President), Sari (CLAIU President), Sari  Taukojarvi (FEANI NMC Finland), Damien (FEANI NMC Finland), Damien
Owens (FEANI NMC Ireland), Vassilis Economopoulos (FEANI NMC Greece)

The Round Table was attended by many Fellow Engineers including CNI
Board and FEANI Delegates since this event was combined with the FEANI General Assembly that was held on 5th October 2012. This remarkable event, initiated by CNI, had a great visibility of Engineering Profession and the participating Engineering Organizations to the public opinion in Italy and in Europe.

For your information please visit the following links in order to watch online the interviews of our ECCE Members Mr. Nicola Monda (CNI), Mr. Gorazd Humar (ECCE President) and Mr. Vassilis Economopoulos (Greece).
 Nicola Monda:

 Gorazd Humar:

 Vassilis Economopoulos:

Jubilee National Congress of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers
11th October 2012, Royal Castle, Warsaw, Poland
The 10th Anniversary of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers (Jubilee
National Congress) was held on 11th October 2012, in Warsaw, Poland.
This was an important event with a great visibility demonstrating the 20
critical role of Civil Engineering Profession and simultaneously the
important role of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers (PCCE) in the
development of building sector and infrastructure in Poland.
The analytical program of the event is the following:
 Opening of the Congress Session and Guests Welcome by PCCE
President, Mr. President, Mr.  Andrzej Roch Dobrucki 
 State Awards Ceremony to Polish Fellow Engineers by the
Government of Poland
 Speeches and addresses of the Official Guests (including the speech of our ECCE President Gorazd Humar)
 Speech of the President of PCCE
 Approval of the National Congress Resolution
 Closing of the Congress Session
 Concert with the famous violin soloist Mr. Concert with the famous violin soloist Mr. Vadim Brodski  and orchestra, highlighting the significant musical culture of Poland.
In this Jubilee National Congress the participants were Polish Fellow

Engineers, representatives of the National Parliament of Poland, Ministers, State Secretaries and other representatives of National Engineering Organizations. Mr. Hamish Douglas participated on behalf of ICE.
The National Congress Resolution is in Polish language, so we will disseminate the English version later.
 Karlheinz Zachmann, (Chairman of the SC Development and Business
Environment) after our 55th Meeting in Vilnius participated in two ECF
Meetings that were held on 26th June 2012 and 26th September
2012, in Brussels.
The main items that have been discussed during the ECF gatherings
are the following:
 Communication on Sustainable Competiveness of the Construction
 EP Gypsum Forum for Sustainable Construction and Renovation
 Communication on Sustainable buildings
 Energy Efficiency Directive
 EU Ecolabel Ecolabel of Office Buildings of Office Buildings
 Smart cities
 Adaptation to climate change
 Connecting SMEs to digital market
Important feedback has been communicated to ECCE by Karlheinz Zachmann.
 Aris Chatzidakis Chatzidakis (Vice Chairman of SC D&BE) prepared a sh (Vice Chairman of SC D&BE) prepared a short presentation of the new policy on the “Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its
enterprises “ making also suggestions for ECCE actions.
 Prof. Iacint Manoliu (General Secretary of the EUCEET Association) and Chairman of the Standing Committee Education & Training has been working on the results of the European project EUGENE European project EUGENE – European and Global Engin European and Global Engineering Education (01.10.2009-30.09.2012), in which ECCE was – partner Prof. Iacint Manoliu sent a Letter of Intent on behalf of ECCE for its participation as a partner in the Project “Fostering Learning Objectives and Research for European Engineering Education: a Network of Stakeholders” (FLORENS). He was also working on the final report on the Project: “Enhancement the involvement of ECCE members in continuing education activities related to the implementation of structural of structural Eurocodes Eurocodes”.
 Prof. Asko Sarja has been working on and preparing the following subjects:
– Implementation of “Energy Efficient Implementation of “Energy Efficient nZEB (nearly Zero Energy) Buildings into praxis in EU” Zero Energy) Buildings into praxis in EU” – General General view on European implementation plan and
examples – Lifetime oriented and sustainable building and civil engineering – CEN standardization of sustainable CEN standardization of sustainable building – Vision: Civil Engineering 2025 Vision: Civil Engineering 2025 – A summary of A summary of Global analysis 2007 and some European viewpoints – Civil Engineering in EU Horizon 2020.

Material of the 56th ECCE General Meeting
