Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of Infrastructure
15-16 October, 2009 – Helsinki, Finland
Състояние и предизвикателства за устойчивото развитие на инфраструктурата
State Analysis and Condition Management of Buildings and Civil Infrastructure
Low-Energy Building Concepts (new buildings and renovations)
Registration Form of ECCE Members for EUROINFRA 2009 Conference
Local Organizer: RIL Finnish Association of Civil Engineers
International Organizer: ECCE European Council of Civil Engineers
Co-Sponsor: IALCCE International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering
CIB International Council for Research and Innovations in Building and Construction
В настоящата ера на глобализация са необходими активни дискусии между различни страни и различни части на света; това важи може би най-вече за технологиите.
Също така се нуждаем от взаимодействие между научните изследвания и практиката при използването на нови знания.
Устойчивата енергийна политика и смекчаването на климатичните промени са ключови за обществото въпроси.
Тези области обвързват и двата симпозиума на тази конференция:
„Държавен анализ и управление на състоянието на сградите и гражданската инфраструктура“ и „Концепции за изграждане на ниско енергийни сгради“.
Scientific Program The Conference included:
• 4 invited Keynote Lectures
• 26 selected reports from Call of Papers: 12 in the Symposium 1 and 14 in the Symposium 2
• a technical visit to a Passive house construction site The number of Participants was 56
• the objective was to assemble people from practice, administration and research through oral reports on and discussions on the key issues and solutions for the sustainable development of infrastructure (buildings and civil infrastructures) in our societies.
• the plenary sessions provided the audience with generic background information on:
• the targets for sustainability in our societies and on:
• the challenges for building and civil engineering in this major issue.
• Combining these two Symposia in one conference aided to achieve interaction between these two central issues
• with the aid of the plenary sessions and of the Conference Proceedings.
Climate Change and Built Environment
Ing. Salagnac Jean-Luc, FRANCE
Sustainable Development: A Strategic Design Challenge
Dr. Marco Steinberg, Sitra, FINLAND Efficient Llifetime Management of Civil
Infrastructure: Recent Accomplishments and Future Directions
Professor, Dan M. Frangopol and Dr. André D.Orcesi, USA .
From the Energy Evaluation to the Assessment of the Whole Building Performance
Univ. Professor, Dr.-Ing. GerdHauser (presented orally by Mrs. Natalie Essig),GERMANY
Галерия снимки – пътуване до Турки, старата столица на Финландия